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Why WaWa X

We work together to create, develop, and implement outstanding B2B commerce solution that empower businesses across continents.

order management

Effortless Sales Order Management, Zero Errors

Revolutionize sales orders flawlessly. Our CRM ensures error-free management for streamlined operations and increased productivity.

document process

Streamline Document Processing

Supercharge sales by simplifying B2B document processing. Our CRM streamlines operations for maximum efficiency and growth.


Tailored B2B Clients: Unique & Complex Needs

Address intricate B2B needs seamlessly. Our CRM caters to unique client demands for enhanced satisfaction and business growth.

benefits for business owner
For business owner

Customized Account Management and Enhanced Sales Focus

Employee Account Management

Multi-Level Account Management

Simplify employees account management with tailored access controls and data permissions.

reduce cost

Reduce Cost of Sales and Admin Team

Streamline sales tasks, manage reorders, cut paperwork time, and empower sales teams for growth-focused activities.

Analytics report

Automatic Reporting and Analytics

Robust analytics, team performance tracking, and personalized dashboards for insightful decisions.

For sales executive

Maximize Sales with Targeted Customization


Merchandising and Promotions

Boost sales by recommending tailored products, enticing promotions, and upselling opportunities.


Advanced Pricing and Discount Structures

Flexible pricing, tailored tiers, and group-specific rates for optimal deals.

order workflow

B2B Ordering Workflows

Personalized sales process, automated orders, and updates for distributors.

conntent management

Content Management

Centralized content library for marketing and training materials.

benefits for sales
benefits for sales manager
For manager

Efficient Sales Team Management

team management

Sales Team Management

Simplified team management, clear roles, no sales-customer conflicts.


Commission Management

Customized each commission fee for each Salesperson. Tracking real time.

progress tracking

Track team’s progress efficiently with backing data

Comprehensive sales insights: history, closing, upsell, product sales.


Workload management

Know each team member’s workload and plan team expansion efficiently.

For everyone else

One Stop Solution

system integration

Integrate with existing systems

Seamless integration across channels and tools for business consistency. Connect effortlessly to ERP, payment, tax, and financial systems.

technical support

Customer and Technical Support

Dedicated customer and technical assistance for troubleshooting issues, seamless onboarding, and personalized training.


Secure Environment

Fortified security: safeguard sensitive data, comply with regulations, and ensure data protection with advanced measures.



Deliver tailored experiences effortlessly: custom pricing, order history, assortments, shipping, and personalized options, ready to use.

order process

Process Orders Faster

Empower customers with self-service: order, track shipments, manage returns, and reorder swiftly with a few clicks.

realtime update

Up-to-date Information

Instant access to inventory, orders, and ERP data for customers. Real-time updates on sold-out items restocking.

Make your work easier today!

Get a free consult with our expert now.

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Wawa Service and Marketing Group Co., LTD.
928 Block 28 Building D 3rd Floor, Room D307-D308, Soi Chulalongkorn 5, Rama 4 Rd. Wang Mai, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330
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